
There are many don't know too much about the site, referred to a website is very mysterious, in fact, web design is very simple.
First of all, you can do a webpage, the average is enough, make a few decent webpage come out, and then they are hyperlinks, when just beginning to do not too complicated.
The second step, to the website to register a domain name space and virtual space and virtual space, on the domain knowledge in this column has a corresponding article, you can check, to remind is, some web site domain name registration when only the right to use not ownership, must be careful, in addition to the virtual host stability is a question.
The third step, use the FTP upload software will webpage uploads to the virtual space, a simple website is made. Common FTP software CuteFTP, leapftp etc..
How to do a website, the choice of subject matter and site name selection is done a few discuss.
Theme of some of the principles

1. 主题要小而精。定位要小,内容要精。如果您想制作一个包罗万象的站点,把所有您认为精彩的东西都放在上面,那么往往会事与愿违,给人的感觉是没有主题,没有特色,样样有却样样都很肤浅,因为您不可能有那么多的精力去维护它。网络的最大特点就是新和快,目前最热门的个人主页都是天天更新甚至几小时更新一次。调查结果也显示,网络上的“主题站”比“万全站”更受人们喜爱,就好比专卖店和百货商店,如果我需要买某方面的东西,肯定会选择专买店。
Subject to small and fine. Positioning to small, content to be fine. If you want to make a cover and contain everything site, put all the wonderful things you think on it, it will often get the opposite of what one wants, the sense that gives a person is no theme, no characteristics, has everything but everything is shallow, because you can not have so much energy to maintain it. Network is the biggest characteristic of the new and fast, at present the most popular personal home page is updated every day or even several hours update. The results of the investigation show, on the network " theme station " than " Wanquan station " is more popular, like stores and department stores, if I need to buy some things, will choose to buy the shop.
2. 题材好是你自己擅长或者喜爱的内容。比如:您对擅长编程,就可以建立一个编程爱好者网站;对足球感兴趣,可以报道最新的战况,球星动态等。这样在制作时,才不会觉得无聊或者力不从心。兴趣是制作网站的动力,没有热情,很难设计制作出杰出的作品。
The theme is best to your own good or favorite content. For example: you are good at programming, you can create a programming enthusiasts website; interested in football, can report the latest progress of the battle, star dynamics. In this production, don't feel boring or not. Interest is the production site of power, no passion, it is difficult to design to create outstanding works.
3. 题材不要太滥或者目标太高。“太滥”是指到处可见,人人都有的题材;比如软件下载,免费信息。“目标太高”是指在这一题材上已经有非常优秀,知名度很高的站点,你要超过它是很困难的。除非你下决心和有实力竞争并超过它。
Subject matter not too often or aim too high. " Too often " refers to the visible everywhere, everyone some themes; such as software download, free information. "The goal is too high " refers to this theme has been very good, famous degree of very high site, you more than it is difficult. Unless you are determined to have strength and competition and over it.
Site name

1. 名称要正。这个“正”是自己的说法,其实就是要合法,和理,和情。不能用反动的,色情的,迷信的,危害社会安全的名词语句。
Name is. The " positive " is his statement, is actually to legitimate, and science, and love. Cannot use the reactionary, pornography, superstitious, harm social security NOUN statement.
2. 名称要易记。根据中文网站浏览者的特点,除非特定需要,网站名称好用中文名称,不要使用英文或者中英文混合型名称。例如: beyond studio 和超越工作室,后者更亲切好记。另外,网站名称的字数应该控制在六个字(好四个字)以内,比如“ XX 阁”“ XX 设计室”,四个字的可以用成语,如“一网打进”。字数少还有个好处,一般友情链接的小 logo 尺寸是 88X31 ,而六个字的宽度是 78 左右,适合于其他站点的链接排版。
Name to remember. According to the characteristics of Chinese visitors, unless a specific need, website of the best Chinese name, do not use English or English mixed type name. For example: beyond studio and beyond the studio, the latter more friendly and easy to remember. In addition, the site name words should be controlled within six word ( preferably four words), such as " XX, " " XX design ", four characters can use idioms, such as " a network into ". A small number of words have a good general links, small size of logo is 88X31, while the six word width is around 78, suitable for other site links to layout.
3. 名称要有特色。名称平实就可以接受,如果能体现一定的内涵,给浏览者更多的视觉冲击和空间想象力,则为上品。这里举几个认为很好的名称:音乐前卫,网页陶吧,天籁绝音。在体现出网站主题的同时,能点出特色之处。
Name unique. Name level can accept, if can reflect a certain connotation, to visit more visual impact and imagination of space, is the top grade. Here a few think good name: music, avant-garde, webpage Taoba, Teana soundproofing. In reflecting the theme of the site at the same time, to point out features.
Positioning theme and is the name of the first step of creating a web site, is a very important part. To the site location in one direction, the target is clear, the following work to carry out.









