怎么在Python中使用selenium 获取浏览器窗口坐标?相信很多没有经验的人对此束手无策,为此本文总结了问题出现的原因和解决方法,通过这篇文章希望你能解决这个问题。
为萧山等地区用户提供了全套网页设计制作服务,及萧山网站建设行业解决方案。主营业务为成都做网站、网站制作、成都外贸网站建设、萧山网站设计,以传统方式定制建设网站,并提供域名空间备案等一条龙服务,秉承以专业、用心的态度为用户提供真诚的服务。我们深信只要达到每一位用户的要求,就会得到认可,从而选择与我们长期合作。这样,我们也可以走得更远!1.0 获取浏览器窗口坐标
python目录可找到Webdriver.py 文件定义了get_window_rect()函数,可获取窗口的坐标和大小(长宽),但出现”Command not found”的情况。set_window_rect()函数也一样。
def get_window_rect(self): """ Gets the x, y coordinates of the window as well as height and width of the current window. :Usage: driver.get_window_rect() """ return self.execute(Command.GET_WINDOW_RECT)['value'] def set_window_rect(self, x=None, y=None, width=None, height=None): """ Sets the x, y coordinates of the window as well as height and width of the current window. :Usage: driver.set_window_rect(x=10, y=10) driver.set_window_rect(width=100, height=200) driver.set_window_rect(x=10, y=10, width=100, height=200) """ if (x is None and y is None) and (height is None and width is None): raise InvalidArgumentException("x and y or height and width need values") return self.execute(Command.SET_WINDOW_RECT, {"x": x, "y": y, "width": width, "height": height})['value']
def get_window_size(self, windowHandle='current'): """ Gets the width and height of the current window. :Usage: driver.get_window_size() """ command = Command.GET_WINDOW_SIZE if self.w3c: if windowHandle != 'current': warnings.warn("Only 'current' window is supported for W3C compatibile browsers.") size = self.get_window_rect() else: size = self.execute(command, {'windowHandle': windowHandle}) if size.get('value', None) is not None: size = size['value'] return {k: size[k] for k in ('width', 'height')} def get_window_position(self, windowHandle='current'): """ Gets the x,y position of the current window. :Usage: driver.get_window_position() """ if self.w3c: if windowHandle != 'current': warnings.warn("Only 'current' window is supported for W3C compatibile browsers.") position = self.get_window_rect() else: position = self.execute(Command.GET_WINDOW_POSITION, {'windowHandle': windowHandle})['value'] return {k: position[k] for k in ('x', 'y')}
2.0 获取窗口句柄
handle = driver.current_window_handle #获取当前窗口句柄 handles = driver.window_handles #获取所有窗口句柄
dr.switch_to.window(handle) #其中handle为获取到的窗口句柄
dr.switch_to.windows(handles[0]) #切换到第一个窗口的句柄 dr.switch_to.windows(handles[-1]) #切换到最新窗口的句柄python有哪些常用库
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